Safer Drivers Course
Reducing risk with safe driving behaviour
The Safer Drivers Course helps young drivers on their L-plates prepare for driving solo when they graduate to provisional licences.
The video Preparing for your Ps shows how the course helps learner drivers with practical advice and safety strategies. The course teaches learners how to reduce road risks and includes ways to cope when you have your mates in the car or if you're running late by developing safe driving behaviour. It's also designed to help students understand more about speed management, gap selection, hazard awareness and safe following distances, which your parents, supervising drivers or professional driving lessons may not have covered.
The Safer Drivers Course consists of two modules including one three-hour facilitated face-to-face group discussion and one two-hour in-vehicle coaching session on public roads with another learner.
All facilitators and coaches are required to undertake a one day module specific Safer Drivers Course training program. Only facilitators and coaches engaged by one of the accredited providers are eligible to participate in Facilitator and Coach training.
Requirements to attend the Facilitator training
Certificate IV in Training and Assessment (TAE40110 or higher) Find out more about TAE40110 or TAE40116
Minimum 12 months facilitation experience
Completed Working with Children Check Find out more about the Working With Children Check
Requirements to attend the Coach training
- Current Driving Instructor Licence
- Minimum 12 months driving instructor experience
- Completed Working with Children Check Find out more about the Working With Children Check

For more information about the ADTA
Safer Driver Course please contact Nadia